There is discrimination against the dogs- they are not allowed into any National Parks, canyons, and some state parks. (unless they sit in the car). So, we have to find a place where our hiking loving dog could run and explore. Trachyte Knob- is a knob right behind our park and we were happy to discover that there is trail up to the top of it. After trying to make friends with neighboring horses we picked up a trail weaving through the wood- we also picked up a guy who appeared lost and was happy to tag along. On the way there were-beautiful, white trunk aspens, pines, and oaks- some with fire marks, some with a strange scratches of elks or maybe bears and some with humans graffiti. Last 200 yards of trail were stones-our brave dog navigated that without doubts or fears with trust in us. Our return back was a little bit adventurous- I had to help Dixie to navigate the way and even carry her in some places- amazingly, she totally trusted me with her life and we all safely made it to the ground. Of course, Dixie was named as “tough rock climber” and was rewarded with dog cookies!
Very touching picture with little birdies. National Geographic would be happy to have it !
Like! Dixie is a lucky dog, mostly they have to carry their owners 🙂