Share the road with Ark & Galina travel photography nomad RV fulltimers
Share the road with Ark & Galina travel photography nomad RV fulltimers

A man and his car. Eugene, OR 2020

Today was a great day for exploring Oregon, enjoying good weather, and meeting new people. We were at some view point  when this very pink, big, glistening and shimmering car pulled onto the parking lot- WOW! That was a wow moment! The older gentlemen told us a story that he purchased that car in 1955 for a little more than a 4000 thousand dollars- wife at that time did not want to sign papers ( too expensive!) unless she would pick up the color- that’s how it turned to be pink “-lustrous pink” as he said. He showed me a one page buying contract. He added that at that time he was unmercifully ridiculed by friends for the color of the car, but now it’s a conversation starter, attention catcher, and his pride. Car is 65 years old, and the guy is an original owner, so to our estimates, he should be at least 90 years old. He holds a speaking vibrator device at his throat while talking, but otherwise he is altogether, and looks as great as his car.

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